The business of film and television production has changed – and excitingly, so has The Audio Suite!
Online-only audio post production: dialogue restoration, dialogue editing and audio mixing for feature films and TV drama…
It’s been our privilege to work on a huge variety of feature film and prime-time TV drama projects over the last quarter-century or so; and even after all those years, one of our greatest pleasures is still to deliver effortlessly intelligible dialogue and emphatic mixes for our clients: some of the biggest production companies in the industry, employing the brightest creative talent, to deliver engaging, contemporary dramatic content.
Now, after almost 25 years of service as an audio post-production facility for our sound editing and mixing clients, The Audio Suite has become part of The Sound Producer group of companies, with a physical presence in Brisbane and Sydney, AU; although our virtual home is as an online-only service, as we look towards the future and fully embrace the way in which professional post-production increasingly works – with workflow and processes that involve remote collaboration, file-based transfers and digital asset exchange.
We’ve also introduced three great additions to our post-production repertoire: the role of Sound Producer, our Sun-downer edit, and the ‘get out of jail’ Clip Clinic® dialogue resotoration service.
Why not use us remotely from wherever you are on the planet, at wherever we happen to be in the world, and find creative freedom? Enjoy the liberation of engaging with us from wherever, and whenever, you feel your most comfortable and your most productive. Because that definitely works for us…
The Audio Suite is a highly-regarded digital audio company. Originally built in Birmingham UK, we now operate out of Brisbane and Sydney AU to a global audience; and we’re renown for our friendly, personal approach and for an assurance of high-quality.
We provide bespoke, high value-added audio post-production, but also understand the nature of short-notice or modest fee bookings. We are as happy and committed to applying our extensive audio post-production skills and experience to a short-form, non-broadcast project, as we are to fully supervising a theatrical-release feature film in the role of Sound Producer; and our extensive track-record in audio post-production runs to many hundreds of hours of prime-time television programmes, feature films, TV and cinema commercials, internal, external and business-to-business communications, podcasts and best-selling talking books.
You can take a look at one of our dialogue editing suites, installed in a client’s cutting room, here in ‘beautiful, down-town Brisbane.’
The decision to have The Audio Suite operating online from Australia was a development designed to help us better remotely serve a global audio post-production client base; and importantly, to enable us to offer our ‘Sun-downer’ service: a round-the-clock, file-based audio post-production service – something that takes full advantage of the time difference between the UK, the US and Australia. (Conveniently, AEST is 10 hours ahead of GMT and 17 hours ahead of PST.)
Simply upload the assets at the end of your working day, and have your ‘for approval’ material sitting waiting for you on your server the next morning… We do the work ‘overnight’ whilst you sleep. Or party. (Or whatever!)
We also provide an audio ‘safety net’ for when things have gone terribly wrong, or an editor is facing an audio nightmare… Our state-of-the-art ‘Clip Clinic’ is at hand to process remarkable sound restoration on dialogue clips that would either be left out of the edit, or marked as requiring expensive re-recording or ADR. Simply use our contact form for instructions on how to send us your problematic sound.
We offer a full range of audio production and post-production services, including the Sound Producer role.
“So what is a feature film ‘Sound Producer’?”
Most people understand that in the music industry, a record producer is tasked to oversee the recording, arrangement and mixing of hit singles and albums for global artists. Put simply, the Sound Producer role is our equivalent for movies. As a feature film Sound Producer, Neil Hillman MPSE draws on his considerable experience and enviable CV as a Production Mixer on location, as well as his work in audio post-production as a Dialogue Editor, an ADR Mixer, a Sound Designer, a Re-recording Mixer and as a Supervising Sound Editor.
Neil’s Sound Producer role is a single-point of reference for the pre-production, production and post-production of ‘all things audio’ in any project; with a responsibility for overseeing quality, style and strategy, as well as developing the full emotional impact of a soundtrack on audiences. Why is this last point important? Because whilst sound is said to be 50% of the product, research shows that sound is actually 80% of an audience’s emotional experience!
So in short, the Sound Producer is about delivering peace of mind to Producers and Directors for any moving picture production’s soundtrack – from concept, right the way through to completion.
For flexibility, this role can be billed by the half-day, full day or per week; or on application, by determining a cost-effective project fee.
Making a booking with The Audio Suite is deemed to mean that you accept our terms and conditions, which are HERE
Sound for Moving Pictures – The Four Sound Areas, buy now online!
The Four Sound Areas framework presents a novel approach to sound design that enables the reader to more fully appreciate audience emotions and audience engagement, and provides a flexible, practical model that will allow professionals to more easily create and communicate soundtracks with greater emotional significance and meaning.